Monday, February 22, 2010

Once In The Woods, Andrei Pervukhin (2D)

I love how this piece captures the feeling of winter and the whimsy in all of the characters. A very well done piece of artwork. You can view the original post here. Andrei's CG Society portfolio can also be viewed here.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

B-Movie Contest Entry Progress

Ok... I have been mulling over this idea of a movie title for a while and I finally have an outlet to creatively express it: The B-Movie Poster Challenge over at CGSociety. I am moving much slower than I would like to be, but that is my own fault. I seem to hide behind the "creative rut" wall, but in reality my lack of inspiration or motivation is due to the little voice in my head telling me that I don't have the ability to make my vision come to fruition. I realize that typing of thinking is crippling to my creativity, but it happens every time I sit down to draw. Anyway, hopefully I will finish it in time for the deadline.

close up

started detail painting

Initial shading

Initial idea mockup

Monday, February 15, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

B-Movie CG Challenge

CGSociety Challenge XXV - B-Movie
A creative challenge to bring life back into or create a classic B-Movie
17 January 2010 - 19 April 2010

View details here.

Since the dawn of movies there was always a creepier, scarier, and unintentionally funnier cousin to the big budget blockbusters... the B-Grade Movie.

Cinema screens around the world flickered with startling images of wolfmen, zombies, nuclear-mutated monsters, and bug-eyed aliens with a penchant for probing. The 25th CGChallenge: "Attack of the 50ft CGChallenge" asks you, the artist, to bring these gems back to life, or create your own in their spirit, via a still image, video, or, for the first time, audio.